East Bedlington Community Centre
EAST BEDLINGTON COMMUNITY CENTRE East Bedlington Community Centre is based in the heart of Bedlington Station and was fully refurbished in 2017. Since reopening its doors, the building which boasts 5 fully accessible letting rooms, has gone from strength to strength. The Centre as a range of exciting activities to help improve well-being and reduce social isolation. The Centre is managed by a Board of Trustees who are local people, supported by East Bedlington Parish Council who act as custodian trustees. There are two appointed staff members who deal with day to day matters. In particular the running of hte community cafe and Platform 1 function and music venue. The Centre is a registered charity 1150904. To find out more about the activities on offer visit the dedicated website. http://www.ebcc.org.uk/ or for regular updates http://www.facebook.com/eastbedlingtoncommunitycentre/ The Centre will reopen to the public on Monday 17 May 2021 with Covid-19 precautions still in place. The Centre team are now taking bookings going forward. LIve music in Platform 1 will restart in June.